Netflix's "Squid Game: The Challenge" is a reality
competition show inspired by the popular South Korean series. In this version,
456 contestants compete for a record prize of $4.56 million, reminiscent of
"Big Brother" but without the original drama's deadly stakes. The
diverse contestants undergo psychological gamesmanship, strategizing, and
emotional moments, maintaining elements of traditional reality-competition
tropes. The series attempts to humanize participants through interviews but
leans on familiar language and themes of the genre. Despite its distinctive design,
the show faces challenges in justifying its massive production cost. Premiering
on November 22, the series introduces a unique format, spreading its 10
episodes over three weeks. While it incorporates elements from the original
drama, it focuses more on entertainment than the life-or-death aspect, making
it a mix of competition and spectacle. The success and longevity of "Squid
Game: The Challenge" remain uncertain.